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Examples of Tender Beef Examples of Leavening Agents in Quick Breads

At that place are many mouthwatering delicacies and desserts that are fabricated up of the simple mixture of flour and water and then get to know the different types of dough that volition make you drool.

Uncooked dough shaped into dumplings.

Many of our childhood memories are filled with dough, whether its stealing chocolate flake cookies from the jar placed within the top kitchen drawer or swiping block batter direct from the mixing bowl. Who could have imagined that some of the most mouthwatering desserts in the globe could be made from a simple mixture of flour and water?

Related:Types of Scones | Types of Bread | Types of Pasta | Types of Bagels | Types of Cornbread | Types of Whisks

History of Dough

The origin of dough is so aboriginal that no one knows exactly when information technology was outset made. Nonetheless, prehistoric archeological findings showed that people may have begun using flour in their diet about thirty,000 years agone.

During that fourth dimension, simple h2o was added to flour to create the first dough. It was then flattened and cooked over hot stones. These early on creations were invented due to "mistakes." It took over about 20,000 more years before people starting cultivating wheat and making food out of it.

This way, they were able to settle down, feed more people, and create an improved social construction which made the basis of present-day societies.

Some years afterwards, people discovered yeast, which took the dough to a whole new level.

As cultures accept developed, so take the recipes for dough.

A sheet of dough for making pie

Dough and Concoction: What'southward the Divergence?

Have you ever chanced upon a cookie recipe that tells y'all that the desserts are dough or better-built? If you don't know the difference, we tin can tell yous.

The dough is a mixture of chiefly flour with low water content. As such, information technology is from enough to be kneaded by easily and molded into shapes. Batters incorporate more than liquid content than dough and take a runny texture. They are usually mixed with hand or electric mixers.

Principal Categories of Dough

Pretzels made from leavened dough

For the sake of practicality, the several hundred kinds of dough tin can be subdivided into two main categories: leavened and unleavened dough.

Leavened Dough

The leavened dough is fermented for a period of time until it achieves its final form. The rising is done through leaveners, like yeast, baking soda, and baking powder. The fermented dough can be created by ii methods:

Sponge Dough Method

Sponge dough method involves creating a mixture of flour, h2o, and yeast, which is left to rise until it at least doubles in size. Then more flour, sugar, salt, and fatty is added to the dough and kneaded. This method gives the staff of life a flakier texture with a slightly different flavor.

Direct Dough Method

In the straight dough method, all the ingredients are combined in a single session and then kneaded to a smooth and rubberband consistency. Kneading depends on the type of breadstuff you want to make.

Examples of baked food fabricated from leavened dough include all kinds of pieces of staff of life, pizza, pretzels, and nearly rolls.

A plate of tortilla chips

Unleavened Dough

The unleavened dough does not require any leavening agent and is used for all baked goodies that do not need to ascension only instead stay thin and flaky. These kinds of dough commonly have a higher percentage of fat, which prevents them from hardening.

Some examples of baked treats fabricated from unleavened dough include shortcrust pastry, crackers, flatbread, tortillas, and pasta.

Types of Pastry Dough

Laminated dough

If you are interested in making pastries, y'all will notice that dough tin be categorized every bit laminated and non-laminated. Both these types of dough can be leavened or unleavened.

Laminated Pastry Dough

Laminated dough involves folding and refolding pieces of pastry slathered with butter many times until many layers are created. Gluten is also developed during the folding process.

Examples of unleavened laminated dough include phyllo dough and puff pastry dough. An example of leavened laminated dough includes the breakfast favorite, the croissant.

Non-laminated pastry dough

Not-Laminated Pastry Dough

The non-laminated dough includes rubbing in fat or butter into the flour without folding it. Unleavened not-laminated pastries include choux pastries, éclairs, and pie dough. Leavened non-laminated pastries include the brioche.

Textures of Dough

Dough that has a higher amount of fat, less water, and less gluten, is less rubberband than bread dough and tin can be fabricated with two different textures: flaky and mealy.

Flaky Dough

A flaky dough texture is created by mixing the fat with the flour for a smaller amount of time. This results in bigger chunks of fat spread unevenly in the flour, but information technology also depends on the type of fat used and the temperature in which information technology is added to the flour. When the dough is rolled out, it creates a layer of fatty and a flaky texture once the dough is baked.

The flaky dough is best used to brand top crusts of pastries simply can likewise be used as bottom crusts for liquid fillings.

Mealy Dough

Mealy dough makes crusts that are crisper and more than compact. The texture is created past incorporating small fat particles evenly in the dough, which creates a denser texture. The dough cannot absorb equally much water equally flaky dough tin can and dough requires the fatty to be mixed in longer so that the mixture looks like cornmeal. After baking, the chaff is brusk and tender.

This kind of dough works well for liquid fillings, like custard, especially if you don't blind broil the crust (partially baking the crust beforehand). Information technology is likewise the perfect dough for making bottom crusts of fruit pies equally it does not get soggy.

Types of Dough

There are several kinds of dough that have been created around the world. Some of the most popular types are listed below:

Bread Dough

Brown bread dough

Bread dough is the most common type of dough. This dough can be made from different types of wheat and various amounts of water and yeast. Staff of life dough needs to exist kneaded carefully for a long time to develop the gluten so that the breadstuff tin get business firm yet rubberband and rise beautifully while baking.

Bread dough tin can be made from a single or a combination of flour giving it a dissimilar gustatory modality and texture. There are some staff of life types that employ baking soda equally leaveners instead of yeast. This bread are known as soda staff of life.


Fermenting sourdough

Sourdough is 1 of the oldest types of bread dating back to 3700 BCE in Switzerland; however, the origin of sour breadstuff fermentation is believed to exist in the Fertile Crescent several thousand years earlier that.

The bread is made by naturally occurring bacteria in the flour called lactobacilli, and yeast. The ingredients generally consist of a starter that includes flour and water and some salt. These pieces of bread take quite a soft crust with a chewy middle and big air bubbles. Information technology also has a very long shelf life.

Sourbread, as the name indicates, has a sour taste due to the lactic acrid produced by the bacteria. No milk, yeast, fat, or sweetener is added to the bread, which makes it markedly dissimilar and more than natural than other types of bread.

Rich Dough

The Rich dough is a blazon of leavened dough that is fortified with eggs and fats, similar butter, oil, cream. If properly fabricated, this dough can stretch sparse, has a smooth texture, and is translucent.

The rich dough can make bread that is soft, fluffy, and tender, like cake, as the actress fat in the flour shortens the gluten. Although this dough tin can have high sugar content, sugar is not necessary to produce rich dough.

Pie Dough

Raw pie crust dough

Pie dough crusts were first created in the Eye Ages. Notwithstanding, unlike the modern versions that often comprise of fruit filling, these pies were meant to preserve and contain meat, giving nascency to dishes similar Cornish pasties.

Pie dough is made from a few standard ingredients including flour, water, salt, and fat in different ratios. Some ore advanced recipes too include blistering powder or vinegar, or flavoring agents like eggs, lemon juice, cider, and sugar. The flour is oftentimes all-purpose but tin can exist a combination of bread, pastry, or cake flour.

The fat incorporated into the pie dough can be butter, shortening, or lard and even oil and is used common cold and hard. The success of a pie crust depends on how cold the ingredients are kept, how the fatty is distributed into the flour, and how much gluten is developed. The resulting texture can be flaky or mealy and tender, with a beautiful gold brown color.

Pate Brisee

Pate brisee is a type of pie dough, too known as mealy pie dough. This is 1 of the most popular pie dough and is perfect for creating desserts with fluted edges. The dough is made from i role water, 2 parts, butter or fat, and three parts flour, and can be mixed together to resemble cornmeal.

This succulent French pastry dough is fabricated without sugar and works well for liquid fillings, similar custards. It too typically contains one egg for every pound of flour and other ingredients similar lemon juice, salt, and vanilla excerpt, for flavor.

Pate sucree

Pate Sucree

Pate sucree literally translates to sugar dough and is also known as the short dough. Similar the pate brisee, this dough contains one function water, two parts fat, and three parts flour by weight. It also contains an egg for every pound of flour and has several flavoring agents, just similar pate brisee. However, it has a much higher carbohydrate content, giving it a sugariness taste. The season is more cookie-like likewise and it is the preferred dough for making dessert tarts and cookies.

Pate Sablee

Sablee dough is one of the almost popular ingredients used to make crumbly, meaty, and crispy desserts. The term translates literally into "sandy dough" and it is named so because of its cookie-like, crumbly texture.

This fragile dough is made by creaming fat with sugar, then incorporating eggs, and so flour in the cease. The crust is either partially or whole baked prior to filling (bullheaded baking). Some recipes likewise require egg yolks for a more tender chaff, though this is not necessary.

The dough is quite sweet as it requires 15 pct sugar and sometimes 15 percent ground almonds as well. It can too be baked as it is to make delicious cookies.

Puff Pastry Dough This flaky puff pastry dough was invented by French baker, Cladius Gele, and is laminated, unfermented dough. Unlike other basic types of dough, puff pastry requires a lot of hard work and effort. There are two steps to making a puff pastry: the dough is first rolled out around butter. It is then turned, rolled, and folded many times and giving long resting sessions so that the butter spreads evenly throughout the dough. As the dough is baked, the water evaporates and the butter melts, separating the layers of dough and giving the puff pastry its distinctive layers and buttery, crisp and flaky texture. Because of its many fine layers, the pastry is also known as leaf pastry. Puff pastry dough can be used to make napoleons or other desserts or savories.

Puff Pastry Dough

This flaky puff pastry dough was invented by French baker, Cladius Gele, and is laminated, unfermented dough. Unlike other basic types of dough, puff pastry requires a lot of hard work and effort.

There are ii steps to making a puff pastry: the dough is outset rolled out around butter. It is then turned, rolled, and folded many times and giving long resting sessions so that the butter spreads evenly throughout the dough. Equally the dough is baked, the water evaporates and the butter melts, separating the layers of dough and giving the puff pastry its distinctive layers and buttery, crisp, and flaky texture.

Because of its many fine layers, the pastry is also known as leaf pastry.

Puff pastry dough can exist used to make napoleons or other desserts or savories.

Puff Pastry Dough on a round plate with forks.

Phyllo Dough

Phyllo dough was created during the Byzantine menstruum in Istanbul and today is renowned as the pastry of pies. The word "phyllo" means "leafage" in Greek and is given to the dough because the pastries made from it accept a sparse, light and delectable texture.

Phyllo dough involves stretching the unleavened dough into very thin, translucent sheets. The dough is popularly used to make Center Eastern desserts similar the decadent baklava. However, if you add some vegetable fat to the mixture, you can get a thicker version of phyllo dough. This dough can be used to make crisp, crumbly pie crusts, particularly for meat pies.

Choux pastry dough

Choux Pastry Dough

The concept of choux pastry was first invented in 1540 to commemorate the wedding ceremony of Catherine de Medici with King Henry II. The choux pastry dough is fortified dough paste that requires egg, milk, butter, and water to make. It is not strictly a dough since the liquid content is high in information technology and it is piped through a pastry tip.

If the dough is formed perfectly, information technology can produce a crispy crust, a calorie-free interior, and a perfect gilded brownish colour. During blistering, h2o evaporates, leaving the center somewhat empty and hollow. This infinite tin can be filled with whipped cream, custard, or jelly. Therefore, the dough is used to make a mouthwatering multifariousness of desserts, including éclairs, foam puffs, croquembouche, profiteroles, and Paris-Brest.


Croissant Dough

Croissant dough is very similar to a pastry puff dough but with added yeast for some extra fluffiness. The dough is created by enfolding butter and taking it to a series of turns to create central layers of butter in between the dough sheets. During blistering, the steam separates the layers of dough.

Although a lot of hard piece of work is involved in it, if the lamination is successful, the resulting bread is very light and flaky in texture.

This dough can also be wrapped around chocolate or almond paste before they are baked.

Brioche Dough

The dough used to create brioche pastries is not-laminated, yeast-based dough, which is mixed with butter and eggs. The resulting breadstuff is soft like cake and has a tender, creamy, and slightly sweetness consistency, without the signature crunchiness or crispiness that is associated with most pastries.

This dough is typically rolled into assurance to make its characteristic circular shape though information technology can also be made into an ordinary loaf shape. Brioche Nanterre is fabricated by placing two loaf-shaped sections of brioche dough side past side and baking them. When the dough rises, the 2 split up sections fuse together.

Kourou Dough

Kourou dough is a type of rich dough fabricated with butter and eggs, and sometimes milk and fifty-fifty yogurt. Different the puff pastries which require a large amount of fat content, Kourou dough needs only a bit of oil to mold it into the perfect form.

The Kourou dough results in a crunchy and slightly drier texture, but is extremely flavorful. It is 1 of the preferred types of dough for making tarts, quiches, pies, and turnover.

Uncooked pasta

Pasta Dough

Who doesn't love pasta? Pasta dough is made from unfermented dough, typically consisting of wheat, eggs, and table salt. Sometimes, rice flours, bean flour, or legume flour is used to brand the dough gluten-free and give it a different gustatory modality.

This dough is quite hard and requires a lot of kneading and so that it is moistened all the way through. The pasta dough tin be rolled into sheets or molded into different shapes. However, the best part is that it tin can exist used both fresh and dried.

Fresh pasta dough tin can be made with the hand at home and broiled or boiled. Dry out pasta is store-bought and has an extremely long shelf life.

Are you lot hungry yet? If you are, go ahead and try making these versatile and mouthwatering types of dough at home, which can create some of the all-time savory and sweet dishes of all time.
